Visit update
The team members from Texas A&M and Taylor Engineering visited the PNNL’s Lab Homes on July 19th, 2019. The team had some discussions with Mr. Jamie Kolln, the Lab Homes’ facility manager, and Dr. Michael Brambley, an expert on energy technologies and policy, about the testing plan for the PNNL Lab Homes.

ARPA-E SENSOR Team Members & PNNL Lab Homes Facility Manager. From left to right (Jamie Kolln, Yan Chen, Zheng O’Neill, Jian Zhang, Hwakong Cheng, and Samuel Rosenburg).
PNNL Lab Homes are two identical prototype residential homes located in Richland, WA. The two labs are identical in layout, building materials, and mechanical appliances and equipment, hence they can be used for various research purposed. In the testing, one home is served as the baseline home, and the other is served as the experimental home.

PNNL Lab Homes
The layout of the PNNL Lab Homs is as presented in the figure below. The total area of one single home is about 140 m2 (1500 ft2). There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms in total, with the master bathroom being constructed adjacent to the master bedroom.
The lab has an open-style kitchen: there is no physical barrier between the kitchen and the living room; so the kitchen and the living room together can be considered as a “large zone”.

The open-style kitchen of the PNNL Lab Homes
Contact Dr. Zheng O’Neill, zoneill(at)tamu(dot)edu, or Dr. Jian Zhang, J(dot)Zhang(at)pnnl(dot)gov, for more info or collaboration.
More photos
Note: All rights are reserved by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and/or Dr. Zheng O’Neill (Texas A&M University).

The lab outlook

The lab outlook

The lab outlook

Mr. Jamie Kolln was introducing the lab facility to the team members.

Dr. Zheng O’Neill, the Principal Investigator (PI), was checking the lab facilities.

The other team members were checking the labs.

The kitchen.

The living room.

The master bedroom.

The master bathroom (with a flowmeter for the showerhead).

Another bedroom.

The look from the living room.

The look from the master bedroom.

The laundry room.

The VOLTTRON™ Platform.

Various sensors.