Overall Objectives
- Data-driven Bayesian network with dynamic, multi-modal causal discovery for scalable monitoring, energy diagnosis, and prognosis of district heat pump systems;
- Data Collection and Learning Model Development for Human Centric and Social Justice Operation;
- Investigate Physics-informed Learning Models for Intelligent Operations of DHP to Building Decarbonization Considering DHP System Health Status and Occupant Behaviors;
- Utilize the data collected from pilot sites in Sweden and the U.S. for energy justice and recognition study at the global level through a community-based approach;
- Prepare the next generation of professionals with diverse backgrounds to be able to tackle engineering and social challenges.
Recent News
- 1/1/2023. Our NSF PIRE Project was officially launched!
Principal Investigators
Zheng O’Neill, Texas A&M University
Dr. O’Neill is an Associate Professor at J. Mike Walker ’66 Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University at College Station. She is a registered Professional Engineer and has more than 25 years of experience in building technology covering integrated building energy and control systems design, modeling and optimization, building commissioning, and low- energy/net-zero energy buildings. She has led or been involved with proposals leading to external research awards totaling over $30 million since 2014, and has over 160 journal and conference papers published.
Jin Wen, Drexel University
Dr. Wen is a Professor in the Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering at Drexel University. She has more than 20 years of experience in building control, operation, AFDD, indoor air quality, and occupant behavior simulation areas and has published more than 40 journal papers in these areas. She has served as an energy consultant for Philadelphia Housing Authority for three years and has provided policy and technical advice for their low and high rise residential buildings.
Teresa Wu, Arizona State University
Dr. Wu is a professor in Industrial Engineering Program at School of Computing, Informatics, Decision Systems Engineering of Arizona State University. She received her doctorate from the University of Iowa. She is National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award winner (2003) and ASU tenure and promotion exemplar (2006). Her main areas of interests are in Distributed Decision Support, Distributed Information System. Recently, she has been actively involved with health informatics with collaborators from Mayo Clinic, Banner Alzheimer Institute, Duke CIVM Center, University of Nebraska Lincoln Medical Center.In 2011, she was appointed an associate professor of radiology informatics at Mayo Clinic.
Kasim Selcuk Candan, Arizona State University
K. Selçuk Candan is a professor of computer science and engineering at Arizona State University and the director of ASU’s Center for Assured and Scalable Data Engineering (CASCADE). His primary research interest is in the area of management and analysis of non-traditional, heterogeneous, and imprecise (such as multimedia, web, and scientific) data. He has published over 170 journal and peer-reviewed conference articles, one book, and 16 book chapters. He has 9 patents. Prof. Candan served as an associate editor of for the Very Large Databases (VLDB) journal and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia.
Christina Rosan, Temple University
Dr. Christina Rosan is an Associate Professor in the Geography and Urban Studies Department at Temple University. Christina’s research focuses on urban sustainability. She is particularly interested in the politics of becoming a green city. She was the Co-PI on an EPA STAR research grant, Performance and Effectiveness of Urban Green Infrastructure: Maximizing Benefits at the Subwatershed Scale through Measurement, Modeling, and Community-Based Implementation. Christina is active in the Philadelphia sustainability community and is eager to use research to inform practice. She is particularly interested in how we make cities more sustainable and just. She is the co-author of Reimagining Sustainable Cities: Strategies for Designing Greener, Healthier, More Equitable Communities (Forthcoming, December 2021).
Anna Marszal-Pomianowska, Aalborg University
Dr. Anna Marszal-Pomianowska currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University in Denmark. She earned her Ph.D. from Aalborg University in 2012. Dr. Marszal-Pomianowska boasts an impressive academic record, having authored a total of 75 publications, which include 20 journal papers and 23 articles in conference proceedings. Beyond her research contributions, Dr. Marszal-Pomianowska actively engages in various academic endeavors, such as IEA EBC Annex 84: Demand Management of Buildings in Thermal Networks – Expert meeting November 2023, Euroheat & Power Congress 2023, Industrial Workshop on “Demand response and digitalization of demand side in district heating and cooling systems”.
Ivo Martinac, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Professor & Chair, Building Services and Energy systems, Division of Sustainable Buildings/ABE, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden, Vice-President, REHVA, Co-Chair, REHVA Education and Training Committee. With a background in mechanical and building services engineering, his main expertise is in the areas of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) management, energy efficiency in buildings, HVAC technologies and systems, high-performance buildings, as well as sustainable community and urban development. Over the years, other focus areas have included IEQ systems for commercial aircraft, HVAC and environmental management systems for hotels/resorts, as well as energy system modelling for building clusters and districts. He has participated in and managed a wide range of international academic/industrial collaborative programs and projects. His current research focuses on user-centric building performance management (with special interest in IEQ and energy efficiency), certified quality management in buildings, data-driven smart buildings/cities, climate-proofing of buildings, as well as resilient energy systems for remote communities.
Alessandro Maccarini, Aalborg University
Dr. Alessandro Maccarini currently holds the position of Assistant Professor within the Department of the Built Environment at Aalborg University in Denmark. His research interests encompass a diverse range of topics, notably HVAC systems, renewable energy, system simulation, and district heating and cooling. To date, he has contributed significantly to his field, with a total of 34 publications to his name. In addition to his research pursuits, Dr. Maccarini is an active member of the International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
Niklas Lavesson, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
Dr. Niklas Lavesson is Professor of Software Engineering with specialization Applied AI and Machine Learning at Software Engineering Research Laboratory (SERL), Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) since July 2021. Lavesson has a PhD in computer science with specialisation in machine learning from BTH (2008). His research interests within basic research are focused on explainable and interactive AI-systems. Within applied research, Lavesson is interested in how to 1) use AI and machine learning to make software engineering more efficient and effective, and 2) how to pose requirements for, develop, test, and maintain data-driven AI systems which are able to make themselves understood by humans and which can collaborate with humans to solve tasks together.
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